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children's booksChildren's Book Reviews
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The Giving Tree
Shel Silverstein

Unconditional and selfless love. Even to this day, THE GIVING TREE makes me want to cry. The special relationship between an apple tree and a human being, through his various life-stages, beautifully demonstrate the relationship of the giving spirit and a complicated human race. Meaningful and lasting lessons are contained on these pages - themselves the gift of another giving tree.

kids books

Click, Clack, Moo : Cows That Type
Doreen Cronin (Author)

Betsy Lewin (Illustrator)

This book is great. Every time it says "Click, clack, moo," I get a feeling of glee inside. Typing cows? That's silly! But these cows type alright and are living proof that knowledge is truly empowering as the animals finally are able to stand up for their rights. Super silly and super sweet. Click, clack, buy this book! Click, clack, buy this book!
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reviews for children's books

The Story of Ferdinand
Munro Leaf (Author)
Robert Lawson (Illustrator)

1936. After reading a bunch of children's books, this one from 1936 still stands proud as one of the best children's books ever written. If the phrase "Stop and smell the roses" means anything to you, then Ferdinand is, without a doubt, one of the most special and memorable personalities ever created. This children's classic is a necessary item in every kid's collection.
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chilrens book reviews

The Three Pigs
David Wiesner

If David Wiesner continues to write children's books like this, we're going to have to build him his own website. This legendary children's book writer does it yet again with THE THREE PIGS - a highly deconstructed tale of tales, and tails. With his guidance, we shatter our conceptual boundaries and break free into a limitless realm of exploration and camaraderie. As always, his artwork is as brilliant as his ability to break every rule. Magnificent!
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childrens books

Where the Wild Things Are
Maurice Sendak

A classic. Maurice Sendak's story and illustrations are both superb. This is a story that embraces the instinctual and rebellious spirit. As Max's solitary room transforms itself into a far-off island, for a time at least, his wild side becomes his greatest asset as here Max is crowned "king of all wild things." Having embraced his whole, Max is home in time for a hot supper.
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book reviews

The Rainbow Fish
Marcus Pfister

The creative use of the glittery foil instantly makes this book a special one. The artwork that contains it, itself is beautiful. Working together, this book is an innovative and visual treat. When you combine this with a rich and meaningful story, then you have all the makings for a classic. The story suggests that though the rewards of vanity appear grand, they will never compare with the true joy of selfless giving. THE RAINBOW FISH, indeed, is a classic.

kids book reviews

The Salamander Room
Anne Mazer (Author)
Steve Johnson and Lou Fancher (Illustrators)

Review coming soon.

childrens book reviews

Counting Kisses
Karen Katz

A perfect bedtime book - one I can imagine coming alive and bringing happiness with its interactive theme much like HERE COME THE TICKLE BUGS!

childrens books reviews

Little Miss Spider
David Kirk

For his outstanding talents as an illustrator, David Kirk needs to be in here. I chose to review LITTLE MISS SPIDER for its sweetness and simplicity, though the artwork in Nova's Ark is what truly blows me away! LITTLE MISS SPIDER is a touching story of a newborn spider in search of her mother. At the end, we are all taught a lesson that seems to linger, making this book a superb one. "For finding your mother, there's one certain test. You must look for the creature who loves you the best."

best kids books

Baloney (Henry P.)
Jon Scieszka (Author)
Lane Smith (Illustrator)

As I was pondering whether or not to review this book, I was struck by its giadrams and cucalations so fantastic, it warped my "doofbrain," and I was forced to crown it kuningas. Reading this was fun. The artwork was pleasing to look at, and the story passed the Tickle Bug silly test with flying colors. This book also serves as a good bridge to learning other languages. A fun book to own.

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