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Marion the Magnet's First Mission
Sharon Hackleman (Author)
John Blair Moore (Illustrator)

We've all heard the saying, "Be careful what you wish for, because it just might come true." This is the lesson found within the pages of MARION THE MAGNET'S FIRST MISSION. The story is a useful tool for encouraging positive thinking, and for this reason, is a worthwhile read (though we'd love to see more pictures)!
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kids book reviews

Summer Dance of the Fireflies
Ed Connolly (Author)
Noel Flynn (Illustrator)

SUMMER DANCE OF THE FIREFLIES is a beautiful and magical tale woven from a place of love and goodness. Within the heavenly land of Shamala comes an enchanting story of wisdom and harmony, culminating in a spectacular 'dance of the fireflies.' Of course our own Sparky can attest to the validity of this glorious event. :) The artwork is imaginative and at times downright luminous. A warm and welcome children's story.
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The Adventures of Scooter McDoogal
Tracy Buck
Lynda Modaff
Diane Russomanno

THE ADVENTURES OF SCOOTER McDOOGAL is a colorful series that cleverly packages learning into a chain of fun and exciting stories. The great characters keep this adventure rolling as Scooter, an Earth boy, is taken on a first-hand journey to the very real and fascinating meaning that underlies all knowledge. This is a downright fun series that will not only help spark an interest in learning, but also teaches many interesting facts along the way.
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Christmas Turtles

Christmas Turtles
Sara Ann Denson (Author)
Tara McMillen (Illustrator)

When I heard the title, CHRISTMAS TURTLES, I wasn’t sure what to expect.  Soon it became clear that this book was about those savory pecan treats covered with caramel and chocolate.  What makes this book special is that uncovers the love that underlies so much of what is done for children.  This is a very simple book and its lesson is clear – the greatest joy of all is the one from the heart.  Adding the recipe at the end was brilliant, because it takes a special story about others and allows the readers to adopt it themselves.  The colorful patterns of the artwork are quite merry.  This is a worthwhile book for your children, particularly around Christmastime.

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