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tickle bugs book reviews

Five Stars! "When children are silly, no kisses or hugs. Only tickles from the Tickle Bugs!' HERE COME THE TICKLE BUGS is a very colorful 'interactive' story for young children. Interactive in that it suggests that parents tickle along while reading the story. My 6-year-old begged me to read it at least twenty times during the first few days we had it, just for that reason. Every time the page said "Here come the tickle bugs!" she squealed with delight as she was tickled too. The story was very simple and cute, the illustrations colorful, vibrant, and eye-appealing-no scary bugs here. And, the most important part, my daughter loved it. Here's the conversation after reading it the first time: 'So, did you like it?' 'Yes! I love it! I love it so much! Read it again. Read it again.' Why not put your child to the "tickle" test? Your little ones will enjoy this, and you'll enjoy making them laugh. I did."

"My 3-1/2 year old granddaughter got Here Come The Tickle Bugs! for Christmas. We have had so much fun reading it together! Not only is it great to read(and tickle), but the play spills over to our daily activities. When she does something silly, I will say "You know what happens to kids who are silly..." and Nora says (with glee!) "They get tickles!" and she's laughing even before the Tickle Bugs attack. Sometimes, I'm the silly one, and Nora tickles me. It's become a wonderful addition to our lives. Thanks!"

- Leigh, Old Greenwich, CT

"I purchased two copies for each of my children, one to read and love and the other to put away and cherish once they are older! The author actually autographed them for me!!!! My kids love the bright colors and simple easy to follow text. I was a preschool teacher while completing my education and now I am the Superintendent of a large East Bay School District! I can't wait till Uncle Sillyhead comes out with more books! This is a definite 'To Buy' book for anyone that cherishes reading time with their children. This is a great first reader book for all!"

-A Reader from BN.com

"The book itself is beautiful, wonderful colors and the feel of the paper so good. It really boggles the mind to think of all the production elements that went into putting it all together!"

-Nancy, Berkeley, CA

"I thought that "Tickle Bugs" was the most brilliantly illustrated and engaging children's book I've seen! Inspired me to dream of fun things. I've got the Tickle Bug! "

- Aaron, Oakland, CA

"Here Come the Tickle Bugs! was a delight from the first reading. It has become a "must read" during Book Choice time in my class. The children giggle and think it's so funny. Tickle Bugs has sparked their imaginations. The children pretend to be Tickle Bugs. They have asked for more Tickle Bug stories."

- Sandy, Kindergarten Teacher

"The color scheme is really good - it has such a radiant feel. The backgrounds are great."

- Tim, Norwalk, CT

"I was drawn to this book for its cool artwork. When I gave it to my friend's three year old son for his birthday, I was amazed. I don't think I could have given a better gift. He loves this book and is crazy about the Tickle Bugs. He literally carries it around with him wherever he goes! On so many levels, this is a very special book for kids."

- A Reader from Amazon.com, Fresno, CA

"Ticklebugs captivated my 11 month old's attention. He sat on my lap and giggled at each and every Ticklebug...he especially liked Rosco."

- Jennifer Westwood, MA

"As an adult concerned with my world's future, I want to put a 'Summer for President!' bumper sticker on my car."

-Luke, Olympia, WA, USA, World

"I gave a copy of HERE COME THE TICKLE BUGS! to the little boy that I babysit for his birthday. He loves the bright colors and the designs. He asks me to read it again and again!!!!"

- Maria, Greenwich

"This is amazing! I really like it!!!! I wish I had kids so I could tickle them. I will just have to tickle myself!"

-Sandra, North Carolina

"Jack loves the Ticklebugs! This sounds 'silly,' but I'm impressed with the quality of the paper in the book. Jack tends to tear the pages in books or magazines, but Ticklebugs has held up well against his tiny claws."

- Drew, Westwood, MA